Rain barrels are AWESOME! You can buy them from TONS of companies and stores (below is a rain barrel pictured from Gardeners Supply Company that holds 75 gallons!) or make one on your own. They are basically water barrels that you put under the gutter of your house so that when it rains your barrel collects all that free water for you to use! They are SO fabulous!!! For drought times, for emergencies, for anytime really- get a rain barrel! You could use the water from your barrel for watering your garden, plants, or grass in a drought, OR washing your dishes, or flushing your toilets in an emergency. Or even for drinking water if you filter it! Some rain barrels come with spouts and hoses too! I highly suggest getting one, and if you can't afford it (most are over $100) then make one yourself :) It's one thing that would be TOTALLY worth the effort.

Your rain barrel doesn't have to look frumpy in your yard either, there are SO MANY styles! Google "rain barrel" and see what you can find! Below is another version from Gardeners Supply Company, just to show you how attractive some versions can be if you want to spend the money :)

Go HERE to watch a You Tube Video about rain barrels. If you want to make your own, but that quick little video wasn't enough information on how to do it, go HERE for more details on how to make your own :)